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The Main Reason Medium Is Better Than NewsBreak

It’s not audience, comments, topic selection, or editorial

I’ve been writing on NewsBreak for a while now. It’s become a little side income. Who wouldn’t enjoy that.

NewsBreak has a lot of upsides.

  1. Getting views is easy
  2. You can write short post (minimum 250 words)
  3. “News” is a rather stretchable term on the platform
  4. I do repurpose some Medium stories

With all that being said, NewsBreak will never beat Medium for one single, but significant reason.


Let me explain!

It’s totally possible to go viral on NewsBreak. Overall, it might even be easier. But you need to get views fast. Within the first 24–72 hours.

See, NewsBreak only pushes fresh content. Views die down significantly after a couple of days.

In contrast, on Medium, your posts can go viral any time. No matter the age of the post.

That’s the difference.

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