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My 5-Step Blog Post (Re-)Distribution System

I write a lot of content. I re-purpose even more. Here’s my 5-step system:

  1. Medium: Since Feb 2021 Medium has been my main publishing channel. 3–5 stories per week in various niches. Money in the bank.
  2. Substack: My newsletter is 1 year old today and just crossed 1000 subscribers. I publish excerpts of my blog posts there.
  3. My blog: I run a blog where I publish most long-form content. Stories over 600 words, however…
  4. will find a home on Vocal. I link to Vocal stories from my newsletter. That drives earnings. More details here.
  5. Twitter: Once a week, I batch-create tweets. Many take inspiration (and lines) from my blog posts.

With this system, I publish daily, earn monthly, and grow exponentially. And best of all, it’s 5 pieces of content from 1 creation.

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