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This Detail Skyrockets the Potential Of Medium Lists

Underrated tips

You should utilize Medium lists. Not to organize your posts, categories your content, or archive your favorites — I mean, yes those too — but one little detail changes the dynamic of using lists enormously.

Let’s explore!

Recently, I already expanded on the idea of utilizing lists as a promotional tool:

  1. Share lists at the bottom of your stories, instead of single related posts.
  2. Share lists across social media, instead of single stories.

These two have worked well for me. There’s another detail, however, that makes these use cases even more promising.

The list names.

I often see descriptive titles like “Writing”, “Make Money Online”. Not bad, but you’re missing out on a humongous opportunity.

Tackle list names like they were story headlines. Make them clickworthy!

Then, when you link them in your footer or on social media, people will be enticed to click!

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