Write For Money


Substack Just Stole a Feature From Medium

And a good one

Well, they didn’t steal it. They added a feature to their app that Medium added recently as well.

Substack’s great. The app is impeccable. Medium can learn a thing or two here. Substack’s iOS app runs buttery smooth, loads quickly, looks great, and offers a perfect reading experience. Podcasts are also available inside the app.

Now, Substack has upped the game by including the option to listen to any article/newsletter issue.

Simply hit the headphones icon at the top and start listening to your favorite newsletter creators. I’ve been doing that a lot on Medium lately.

It works even smoother than on Medium. You can’t switch voices on Substack as you can on Medium. It’s integrated into the system well, though, with support for AirPlay. You can also create playlists with multiple posts. That’s a fantastic feature.

Overall, a huge 👍 from me!

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