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Last Month My Medium Views Went Down From Over 40K to 15K, And Now?


I used to love rollercoasters when I was a child. I’m pretty sure I would get sick riding one nowadays.

I’m not sick of the rollercoaster ride that is Medium, however. This platform is full of surprises every single day.

Last month, I was on my way to hitting 50K views within a month. I crossed 40K for the first time ever.

Then, I got sick. And my whole family too.

After that, Christmas came along.

I took a break for about 2 weeks.

If you wondered how important consistent posting is, well… within this 2 week-break, my views plummeted. From almost 50K to 15K.

In the new year, I picked up my usual writing routine. Has it helped?

It sure did. I’m back on my way to new heights.

Screenshot by Burk

— Stay in touch

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