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How to Start a Blog With Notion In Minutes

The Future of Blogging is Here

WordPress was the go-to blogging platform of the 2010s.

That’s long gone.

The cool kids have moved on to using Notion for their blogs.

Maybe it’s time you joined the party too!

Notion can function as a full-fledged Content Management System (CMS).

But first, what exactly is a CMS? A CMS is a software application designed to create, manage and publish digital content.

All major blogging platforms like WordPress and Ghost are CMSs under the hood.

At its core, a content management system is a software application that allows users to build, deploy, and maintain a dynamic collection of digital assets like web pages, images, documents and more.

It provides a centralized database to store content, coupled with a templating system to display it. In simple terms, a blog is just a database of your articles, images, and associated metadata like publish dates, authors, tags etc.

Since Notion has its own robust database, it can easily store and manage all your blog content.

This makes it the perfect launchpad for a Notion-based blogging solution. Savvy developers realized this early on and started building tools to transform Notion into a full-fledged CMS for powering websites and blogs.

The core premise: Write all your posts directly in Notion. That’s it!

The Pros

  • All your content lives in one unified, user-friendly Notion workspace
  • If you already use Notion, instantly turn your existing notes into a blog
  • Switch between Notion-based blogging solutions seamlessly
  • Notion blogs load quickly and are optimized for search engines out-of-the-box
  • Any updates made in Notion sync immediately to your published blog
  • You can interact with them (tag, structure, sort, filter) just like with any other database in Notion

The Cons

  • No truly free option with custom domain (unlike self-hosted WordPress)
  • You’re locked into the Notion ecosystem; migration might be painful

With that preamble out of the way, let’s explore the leading options for Notion blogging in 2024:

#1 The Blogging Specialist

When it comes to Notion-based blogs,* is the reigning champion, in my opinion.

Feather offers a handpicked selection of modern blog themes, privacy-focused analytics, unlimited posts/pages, custom domains, newsletter signups and more — all fine-tuned for bloggers.

This all-in-one package ticks every box — lightning speeds, SEO-friendly out-of-the-box, simple backend, and top-notch support.

No wonder, it powers the blogs of major companies.

Plans start at $39 monthly after a 7-day free trial, with 2 months free on the yearly plan.

Pricing depends on pageviews per months. When your blog grows, you’ll pay more.

#2 The Popular Choice

Up next is the celebrated platform.

While extremely popular in the Notion community, Super shines more for building static websites, in my opinion.

If blogging is your primary goal, Feather* is the superior choice.

That said, you can absolutely spin up a Notion-powered blog with Super.

Super provides a vast array of website templates and affordable pricing starts at $16/month.

#3 The Value Pick

If you’re looking to start Notion blogging on a budget,* could be your best bet.

The relatively new Bullet packs most of Feather’s and Super’s features into a more streamlined offering for blogs, landing pages and websites.

While Bullet’s pricing may evolve, they currently have an appealing intro offer that’s hard to beat staring at $9 per month.

And you can actually use Bullet for free with limited functionality as well! To try things.

The Bottom Line

Ditch the code and hassle — use Notion to power your next blog.

Connect it to your chosen service, pick a sleek theme, and you’re all set!

From then on, just write freely in your Notion workspace.

Your changes will automatically sync and publish to your live blog.

It’s that simple.

Check out Feather*, Super or Bullet* today to start your Notion blogging journey!

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