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The Best Newsletter Platforms Ranked (2023)

These are the best free & paid newsletter and email marketing platforms in 2023.

You want to start a newsletter, but you don’t know which platform to choose. Let’s settle this once and for all. I have tried dozens of newsletter and email marketing platforms and now, I have compiled two rankings, free and paid. You can find all tools I’ve tried in my Creators’ Toolbox.

To figure out what type of newsletter yours will fall under, read my step-by-step newsletter guide here:

Let’s dive in!


For newsletters:

  1. Substack (free, unlimited subscribers, no automation)
  2. Beehiiv (free, 2500 contacts, no automation)
  3. EmailOctopus (free, 2500 contacts/1000 mails per month, automation)
  4. MailerLite (free, 1000 contacts, automation)
  5. ConvertKit (free, 1000 contacts, no automation)

For email automation:

  1. EmailOctopus (free, 2500 contacts/10000 mails per month, automation)
  2. MailerLite (free, 1000 contacts/12,000 emails per month, automation)

Why this order?

Substack is the best free option for newsletters. It’s easy, robust, feature-rich, steadily updated, and most importantly, it comes with integrated audience-building frameworks like discover and recommendations. 

Beehiiv is second with a strong free offering for up to 2500 contacts, including newsletter recommendations & magic links. 

EmailOctopus is the number one choice for automation, as it supports up to 2500 subscribers for free with advanced automation functionality. MailerLite comes in 2nd for up to 1000 subscribers and email automation. ConvertKit comes in last here because the free plan doesn’t support automations.


For newsletters & email automation:

  1. ConvertKit (referral program, creators network)
  2. Beehiiv (ad network, referral network, recommendations)
  3. MailerLite (digital products, website builder)
  4. EmailOctopus (affordable)
  5. Sendinblue (solid all-rounder)

Why this order?

ConvertKit offers the best package, in my opinion. It does come at a higher cost than others, but it delivers. The upcoming creator network (and direct integration of SparkLoop) are killer features that give ConvertKit the edge over Beehiiv. 

Beehiiv is a very close second with its ad network, referral & recommendation programs, nice interface, design, and more. 

MailerLite offers additional functionality like a solid website builder. EmailOctopus is the most affordable of the bunch, and Sendinblue is an overall solid, GDPR-friendly, robust service.

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