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Medium Just Gave Out Another Bonus

But this time it’s 100$ or 500$… or more?

April was great. At the end of that month, Medium handed out 500$ to 1000 writers. A lot has been speculated since then. Is it a one-time thing? Will this be a regular occurrence from now on? Is it going to be monthly, quarterly, or yearly?

Another bonus

Well, I don’t know, but just this morning, I received another bonus for May 2021. This time, it’s 100$ dollars for me. But I know that more prolific writers with higher engagement than me as a newbie got another 500$. I saw a tweet by Matt Lillywhite:

Screenshot of Twitter by author

This new bonus, for the second month in a row, makes me wonder: Is Medium really going to do this on a regular, monthly basis. Splitting up payments into different tiers of 100$ and 500$, or even more tiers. Are there other people who got another amount? Like 250$?

What does this mean for the future?

I can’t say I’m certain that this is going to be a regular thing. I’m hoping it is. Since Medium is stepping away (of sorts) from their own publications and sponsored publications like P.S. I Love You, it might be possible that they’re using this money to give out this bonus on a monthly basis. It might just be an experiment though. We’ll see.

Did you get the bonus? And if so, how much? Is there another amount other than 100$ or 500$? I’m curious.

Update: I have received news that bonus payments this time around varied from 50$ to 500. There are even rumors of higher amounts. I’m not sure about that though.

Update #2: Now it’s official. Medium just send out emails. The bonus is split into 3 tiers. 50$, 100$, and 500$. The 2000 top writers received the bonus.

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