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I’m On a Side-Hustle Hiatus and It Feels Amazing

Sometimes you need a break

Christmas is family time for me. As a father of 5 with a wife and a large family, that’s more work than it sounds though. Therefore, the last week I’ve completely abandoned my online side-hustles. This includes MediumYouTubedesign work, and most of social media, apart from a few lovely Christmas messages with my closest online friends.

And you know what, this digital mini-hiatus feels fantastic. I’ve been busting my butt off over the last year with my 9-to-5 and 3 side-hustles (writingYouTube videos, and designing). So much so that I started to feel a little burnt out. Since I don’t want to take that feeling home to the kids and wife, I needed a good break.

That’s what I’ve been getting the past 7 days. And for a few more to come!

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