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I Got a New Tab-Based Notification View That Others Had For 6 Months+

I Got a New Tab-Based Notification View That Others Had For 6 Months+, How’s That Possible

A couple of days ago, I wrote about the “new” Medium notification view that I was freaking excited about… until I realized (through comments by my readers) that this feature had been available to others for a long time, in some cases 6 months+.

How is that possible?

Still no tab-view on my other laptop by the way, screenshot by Burk

I tried to dig around a little and came up with two possible explanations:

  1. Medium have rolled out this feature to a small set of members at first to test it. While I can see the benefits of this type of public beta test, 6 months does seem a little long.
  2. It could be a web caching issue. Some parts of Medium’s website could have been cached on my browser for a while and therefore not updated. Although, again, 6 months is strange.

Other ideas?

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